We believe
There is one God, externally existing in three persons: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe
That the Bible is a God-inspired written revelation to man. It is authoritative and without error in its original manuscripts.
We believe
In the deity of Jesus Christ; that He is God, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and He died on the cross for the redemption of mankind’s sin.
We believe
In Jesus' burial, bodily resurrection, ascension into Heaven, present ministry of intercession for the church, and His return to Earth in power and glory.
We believe
In the person and deity of the Holy Spirit; that He performs the miracle of new birth in unbelievers, and dwells in believers enabling them to live victorious and Godly lives in the present age.
We believe
That only through faith in Christ, trusting alone in His redemptive work on the cross, and His death and bodily resurrection, can one be saved from wrath and judgment of God of sin.
We believe
That regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
We believe
In the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that these gifts are operational in the body of Christ for the edification of every believer.